
Welcome to Catholic Worker Digest

Hello and welcome. Thanks for your interest in things Catholic Worker.

My name is Daniel Cornwall, and I have been publishing short summaries of stories that appear in the Catholic Worker since the August/September 2004 issue. I’ve called this the Catholic Worker Digest and all of the ones I’ve done up to the time of this writing can be found at http://web.acsalaska.net/~dcornwall/cwd/index.html

I have been doing this because to the best of my knowledge the Catholic Worker newspaper does not publish anything online and I think more people need to be exposed to the articles. But simply retyping them would be a major copyright violation. So I try to just write a few sentences that hopefully will prompt a few people here and there to either ILL a specific article or to subscribe to the Catholic Worker. Subscription information is included in every issue of the Digest.

I’ve decided to move the Digest to a blog format for a couple of reasons:

  • I want to be able to update the digest from anywhere.
  • I’m not as timely as I’d like to be, so offering a RSS feed via blogger might make the Digest easier to use and find updates.
  • I hope that if anyone actually reads the digest, we can start having discussions about the material in the Worker. I personally only know one other Catholic Worker subscriber, but we don’t get together much. I’d really like to hear your thoughts about what the NY house writes.
  • Even if no one else comments, having the comments turned on will let me provide comments on specific issues while not sacrificing the “just the facts, ma’am” tone of the main entries.

Feel free to comment even if you don’t agree with the articles in a given issue. One of the CW’s cofounders, Peter Maurin believed in meetings for “clarification of thought” and perhaps this could be a space for clarification.

My plan is to upload prior editions of the Catholic Worker Digest so people have an opportunity to comment. Then I’ll start getting caught up on the three undigested issues of the Worker I’ve got sitting around my house.

Hope you find these articles interesting and that they will lead you into learning more about the Catholic Worker Movement and/or Catholic Social Teaching. Links to both can be found on the right hand side of this blog.

If you’re interested in the blog’s header photo, please visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/2179110893/.